
Assess, Rethink, Reset: Retaining and Hiring Advancement Teams in the Midst of this Crisis

Your ability to quickly reset your organization’s overall financial situation after COVID-19 will likely depend on attracting significant philanthropy. While all arms of your organization will make difficult sacrifices, your advancement team may be key to protecting your organization’s long-term viability, and you must work closely with leadership to assess, rethink, and reset critical staffing decisions.

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Coach’s Corner: 10 Ideas From 20 Vice Presidents to Move Your Program Through COVID-19

As colleges and universities continue to work through the acute phase of the coronavirus crisis, Aspen Leadership Group saw a need to reach out to Vice Presidents to talk peer-to-peer and share challenges, successes, and ideas that could be shared more broadly. Don Hasseltine observed four key considerations for other advancement leaders as they enter the next phase of response, and collected innovative ideas to move forward.

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Older woman job candidate shakes hands in group interview

8 Steps to Overcoming Ageism in the Nonprofit Sector

Candidates over 50 years old are experiencing a headwind when trying to secure their next role in the nonprofit sector. There are too many incidents of strong candidates who bring a wealth of experience and the ability to raise the bar of performance but who do not get hired. Is it possible to improve the hiring odds for these qualified candidates? And does this fall to the hiring organization, or are older candidates actually doing the best job they can to be viewed in the most positive way possible? This Coach’s Corner offers insights from both perspectives – hiring manager and candidate – and 8 recommendations about how candidates can better position themselves to land their next position.

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All Stars Project Gala

Culture of Philanthropy: What is it?

Our profession talks a lot about creating a “culture of philanthropy,” usually disguised as part of a conversation about how certain groups are not giving to expectations. Whatever your circumstances, there is a way for these groups to build a stronger culture of philanthropy. The first step is to recognize that it’s not specifically about giving, but about setting the conditions for giving.

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Welcome to Coach’s Corner

After 25 years serving in higher ed advancement leadership, my life’s work is now focused on coaching nonprofit leaders, finding great talent for an organization, and partnering to solve a myriad of organizational issues. I am launching Coach’s Corner to complement this work, share what I am learning, and present strategic questions from leaders in the field and insights about how to address them.

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The Aspen Leadership Group logo in white

Aspen Leadership Group (ALG) supports exceptional careers in the nonprofit sector and in philanthropy, recruiting and supporting CEOs, executive directors, chief advancement officers, COOs, CFOs, General Counsels, and other C-suite leaders and helping them recruit and develop diverse, inclusive, and high-performing teams. Our search services and leader-to-leader consulting focus on building teams that strengthen revenue and drive increased